Is My Hunger Valid???
PSA: All types of hunger you feel are valid ‼️
While it’s so important to honor our biological hunger...aka the kind of hunger where our body is telling us “hey we need energy because we used up all the energy you gave us from the last meal, go eat!”It’s just as important to not turn “honor your hunger” into another diet rule saying “I can only eat when I’m physically hungry”Because food is more than fuel 👇🏼✔️ it’s wanting a warm bowl of soup when you’re feeling under the weather✔️ it’s having breakfast in the morning before a long day of work even if you’re not that hungry because you know it will give you the energy to start your morning✔️ it’s enjoying cake or ice cream if it sounds good to you (and without guilt) to celebrate someone’s birthdaySo yes, while we should honor our biological hunger, we should also honor and validate all other forms of hunger as well