What is Intuitive Eating

1. Intuitive eating is the practice of self-care with ourselves and our eating habits. Sometimes our bodies tell us we want foods like fruits and veggies and other times it tells us we want foods like salty snacks and sweets. Regardless of what your body is telling you, LISTEN TO AND TRUST IT. Diet culture will tell you that foods like salty snacks and sweets are bad for us but sometimes we truly do need those foods because it’s not just about nourishing your body, but your mind and soul too 🙌🏽 No one knows your body like you do, so listen to it’s thoughts, feelings, and instincts and feed it what it’s asking for!2. Typical diets have an end goal of losing weight and being “fit” Well guess what?... Weight loss doesn’t always mean health! Intuitive eating is so much more than what diet culture tells you. All bodies deserve honor and respect. I encourage you to get rid of your scale and focus on your behaviors and how you feel rather than that number, it’s a game changer 😌3. Have you ever restrained yourself from eating something you considered unhealthy? Then you ended up bingeing on that food later and felt guilty because you overate it right?? Intuitive eating teaches you to eat those types of foods when they sound good to you, instead of depriving yourself, overeating and feeling guilty. . . Are you all ready to start implementing intuitive eating into your life?!To simplify, Intuitive Eating is

  • Listening to and trusting your body when making food choices
  • A weight-inclusive approach
  • Eating food without feeling guilty

To learn more about how to practice Intuitive Eating, please reach out to work with me!


Simple Ways to Prep your Food for Balanced Meals throughout the Week


Common Myths About Intuitive Eating