Emotional Hunger vs. Physical Hunger

It’s 100% normal to feel both emotional and physical hunger. It’s also 100% normal to let yourself eat even if it's purely for emotional reasons

What’s not 100% okay… using food as your only coping mechanism to deal with your emotions 🥴

If this hits home for you, you may be asking “How do I stop emotional eating?”First, it’s important to practice being mindful so you can be aware when you are eating for emotional comfortIf you need help being mindful - please contact me!Once you are mindful and able to distinguish between your emotional and physical hunger, ask yourself: “What happened that triggered that emotion?”Ultimately getting down to the bottom of why you felt that emotion can help you with the next step, which is to identify an alternative and beneficial way to cope with your emotions other than foodOnce you can identify your emotional and physical hunger cues and have found other coping mechanisms, there’s one thing I want you to keep in mind: it’s not, nor will it ever be realistic to expect yourself to never eat out of emotions ever again, even if you’ve found other ways to cope...and that’s okay!Food definitely has a place in our emotional lives and can bring us feelings of joy and nostalgia, so naturally we do gravitate towards it to help us feel goodBut once again, it becomes more of a problem when it’s the only way you know how to cope with your emotions


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