3 Balanced Meal Ideas

Balanced meal ideas coming your way!

P.S. As you can see from these pictures I love sweet potatoes so they tend to be a frequent go-to for a source of carbs from a starchy veggie for my dinner meals, but of course they can be replaced with other forms of carbs if they aren’t your thing 😋Here are some tips to create balanced meals so you can use your favorite foods to create satisfying meals:

Include carbs and fiber

Foods with carbs and fiber help fill you up, which can lead to less food cravings later on. By including carbs in your meals, you’re also fueling your body with it’s preferred source of energySome simple ways to add fiber to your plate are including foods like:

  • Beans and legumes
  • Whole grain products like WG bread and pasta or brown rice
  • Fruits and veggies (preferably w/ with the skin on)

Include protein

Foods with protein can help stabilize your blood sugarwhile also being another satisfying filler in your meal that can help leadto less cravings later onWays to add both animal and plant-based protein to your meals:

  • Beans and legumes
  • Meat, poultry, and fish
  • Nuts and seeds
  • Soyfoods like edamame, tofu, soymilk, tempeh, etc.

Add some color

Spruce up the way your plate looks by adding colorful fruits and veggies 🍅🍊🌽🥦🫐You’re not only making your plate look beautiful, you’re also adding tons of beneficial vitamins and minerals to your plate 😍

Add some fat

Adding a little fat goes a long way because it has more calories per gram than carbs and protein...meaning you don’t need much of it to help you feel satisfied from a meal 🙌🏽We also need a little fat in our diet because it helps the fat-soluble vitamins we consume absorb into our body...for anyone interested the fat soluble vitamins are A, D, E, and KGreat examples of sources of fat to include in your meals are:

  • Nuts and seeds
  • Avocados
  • Peanut butter
  • Cheese

Using the tips above to create a balanced meal can help you find somuch more satisfaction from themDoes every meal you eat always have to be balanced? Nope! It matters more what you do most of the time rather than all the time 😌


Mindful Eating: Tuning Into Hunger Cues and Enjoying Your Meals


Emotional Hunger vs. Physical Hunger