Tips to Feel in Control Around Food Over the Weekend

❓Do you tend to go off the deep end over the weekend when it comes to food?

❓Do you tell yourself things like, ”It’s the weekend so I can eat this but as soon as Monday comes the diet starts!”?

❓Do you get to Sunday and feel terrible about what you ate and how much of it you ate?

If you answered yes to any of those questions, I get it, and I’ve been there!But guess what?? It doesn’t always have to be like this! You can be in control of how you eat and your thoughts around food. And not just on the weekend, but throughout the entire week!So, how can you get to this point and feel in control around food over the weekend? Read the images below for some tips on how you can stay consistent with your eating habits over the weekend.Do you ever feel out of control when eating food? Have you found ways to help you feel in control or do you feel like you may be stuck in an endless cycle? I can help – Reach out through my email, DM’s on social media, or tell me your experience by commenting.If you love this blog post, check out my social media pages where I share tons of free information on all things nutrition, intuitive eating, body image, and improving your mindset in each of those categories.Disclaimer: If you purchase products through links posted on this site, I may earn commission through affiliate partners, however, all opinions on products are genuine. 


If you could change one thing about your relationship with food right now, what would it be?


Chocolate Covered ANYTHING!