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You may have given up dieting for good, but are you still holding on to some lingering food rules?

If you feel like you've totally given up dieting, but still doubt whether you're doing this whole intuitive eating thing right or wrong, then this post is for you1. There's a 100% chance that you are NOT doing intuitive eating wrongBecause, there really is no "wrong" way to do intuitive eating! Intuitive eating is a process. It isn't something you can learn and implement overnight like most diets are. Yes, you can make mistakes with intuitive eating along the way, but that's life! And one of the best parts about intuitive eating is you learn to take any mistake made and learn from it instead of beating yourself up and feeling like a failure which is the norm when you "fall of the wagon" while dieting.2. If intuitive eating doesn't feel right to you, it may be due to some lingering food rules still hanging around in your headSure, you've stopped following rigorous diet plans like WW, Keto, 75 Hard, and more. But, whether you realize it or not, that doesn't mean you still don't have some food rules that you hold onto from past diet culture mindset.For example, you understand that a part of intuitive eating is giving yourself permission to eat all the foods you love, so, you do just that. BUT, if you don't allow yourself to eat foods past 8pm (or any other point in the night) or if you do eat past 8pm and feel guilty for it, it's likely that you are still holding onto the food rule that eating late at night is "bad" for you.NEWS FLASH! Your body has no idea what time it is, so it doesn't base what it does with the food you eat based on the time that you eat it. Your body is going to do whatever it needs with the food it gets, at any time it's given.Another example of a secret food rule you could still be following is only allowing yourself to eat the "healthified" versions of foods. You don't have to replace every dang carb with cauliflower!!!!First, carbs are not the enemy and are actually your body's preferred source of energy. If you want to read more about carbs and their role in your body, check out my blog post here. Second if you only feel good about yourself when the food you eat is the "healthy" version of something, then you are basing your worth on the food you eat and again, still holding onto a food rule.The point is, if any food decision you make brings up feelings of guilt or anxiety, it's likely there are still some lingering food rules that need your attention, and that's okay!Remember Intuitive Eating is a process, so once you figure out that food rule, you can learn from it and learn the best way to let it go.If you need some help navigating sneaky food rules so you can finally stop feeling guilty for the food choices you make, click here to see all the ways I can support you! 💕Disclaimer: If you purchase products through links posted on this site, I may earn money through affiliate partners, however, all opinions on products are genuine.