Lifelong Wellness Goals

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Setting Mindful and Positive Food Intentions for the New Year

With the new year right around the corner, the air is filled with hope and promise for a fresh start come January. While resolutions and goals may or may not be your thing, the new year often brings a new-found sense of motivation to set positive intentions for the year ahead, especially when it comes to your relationship with food.

In this blog post, we'll explore the concept of mindful eating and I'll share more tips to guide you on how to set realistic and sustainable goals that will nurture a positive and balanced connection with food in the coming year!

Understanding Mindful Eating: The Foundation to Intentional Change

Before diving into setting intentions for the year, let's explore the concept of mindful eating. Mindful eating is about bringing more awareness to the present moment during meals.

It involves paying attention to the flavors, textures, sensations, and thoughts during each bite. It goes beyond what's on the plate, emphasizing the connection between your mind and body, and can help you start to create changes toward a healthier relationship with food.

For more tips on how to practice mindful eating, especially during the holiday season, head to my blog post here.

Setting Mindful and Positive Food Intentions: A Guide for the New Year

1. Reflect on Your Current Relationship with Food:

The first step to deciding where your true intentions are when it comes to your relationship with food is to assess where you're at now.

How would you describe your current relationship with food? Are you constantly thinking and obsessing about what, how, or the amounts you eat? Do you feel guilty for eating things you consider "bad"? Do you go in cycles of binging, restricting, and then repeating all over again?

You may be someone who has a fairly "normal" relationship with food as well (normal in quotation marks because normal eating habits can look different for everyone). Generally speaking, what I mean by this is you can allow yourself to enjoy all foods without guilt or pressure to be perfect with your eating habits.

In this scenario, you likely eat consistent, well-balanced meals and snacks that nourish your body both physically and mentally. You also allow yourself to enjoy the food you love that may not be considered "nutrient-dense" in a mindful way, without feeling any guilt.

And you very well may be right in the middle of the two examples above. Wherever you are in your relationship with food, practicing mindful eating can help you begin to reflect on your current habits and attitudes towards food.

This will allow you to identify aspects of your relationship with food that work in your life and bring you joy, as well as those habits that might need adjustment. This self-awareness will serve as the foundation for setting meaningful intentions in the new year.

2. Create a Nourishing Mindset around Food:

It's common to go into goal setting thinking about what you should be taking away rather than adding to your lifestyle.

Instead of focusing on restrictive resolutions, shift your perspective towards fostering a healthy and enjoyable relationship with food. Consider framing your intentions towards self-care, nourishment, and overall physical and mental well-being.

3. Set Realistic and Specific Goals:

You may have heard this one before, but it is a tried and true way to make changes last in the long run. Rather than aiming for big changes all at once, set small, realistic plans that will guide you towards your goals.

This could include incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your meals, trying new recipes, or dedicating a specific time for mindful eating each day. Realistic goals set the stage for long-term success!

4. Embrace Non-Judgmental Mindful Eating Practices:

Integrate mindful eating practices into your daily/weekly routine. This may involve sitting down to eat without distractions, chewing thoroughly, savoring each bite, and taking time to listen and be more aware of your body's hunger and fullness cues. By making these practices a part of your routine, you'll start to create a more conscious and enjoyable eating experience.

The most important thing to incorporate into your mindful eating practices is a sense of non-judgmental curiosity. This mindset allows you to observe your habits rather than judge them which ultimately allows you to make mindful and realistic changes to your habits in the long run.

Again, for more tips on how to practice mindful eating, especially during the holiday season, head to my other blog post here.

5. Practice Gratitude:

Cultivate gratitude for the food on your plate and the journey your relationship with food is taking. Expressing gratitude can shift your mindset and create a more positive connection in the act of eating.

Some examples of practicing gratitude to help you get started can include:

  • I am grateful for the colors and smells coming from the food on my plate

  • I am grateful that I can nourish my body with a variety of nutrients

  • I am grateful for my body's ability to digest these nutrients. My body is capable and knows what to do with this food to help me

  • I am grateful for cultivating a healthier, more mindful relationship with food that allows me to feel focused, energized, and at ease in my day-to-day life

You can practice these before, after, or during your meal to create more connection between your mind, body, and the food you're eating.

6. Seek Support and Community:

Doing things all on your own can feel isolating and lead to less motivation and consistency in the mindful intentions you set for the new year.

Try to share your intentions with friends, family, or with a supportive community of like-minded individuals. Having a network to encourage and share experiences with can enhance your journey towards a healthier relationship with food.

If you're looking for a community to start with, follow me on Instagram @mindful_dieititian_taylor or my Facebook page at Lifelong Wellness Goals, I'd love to connect with you there!

7. Be Compassionate and Patient with Yourself:

Remember that progress is not linear. Be compassionate with yourself, acknowledging that ups and downs on the journey are normal. If you veer off course, use it as an opportunity to learn and adjust your plans and intentions accordingly. Also, remember when life changes, your goals can change too.

Conclusion: A Year of Mindful Nourishment

As you step into the new year, let mindful eating guide your journey toward a mindful, positive, and balanced relationship with food.

By setting realistic and sustainable intentions, you're not only more likely to create healthy habits but also embrace a lifelong mindset that prioritizes nourishment and well-being.

Cheers to a year filled with mindful nourishment, self-discovery, and positive changes in your relationship with food!

P.S. If you're eager for more insights on staying mindful with food during this festive period, grab my FREE Holiday Survival Mindful Eating Guide. Enter your information, and let the guide be your companion through a season of balanced and enjoyable eating.