Lifelong Wellness Goals

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Fill in the Blank: The Food I am Most Looking Forward to Eating this Weekend is ...

What food are you really looking forward to enjoying this weekend??I’m personally looking forward to a good burger while hanging out with family/friends…with cheese and a real bun of course 😋And guess what, I will NOT feel guilty for itI will also not:

  1. Restrict what I eat before or after the burger to ”make up for it”
  2. Put the burger on a pedestal…because that can cause me to overindulge and feel uncomfortable
  3. Eat the burger simply because Intuitive Eating has taught me that I can have whatever I want, whenever I want

I will enjoy the burger because I truly want to at the time and know that I can eat that food without feeling guilty.So when thinking about what food you’re most excited to enjoy this weekend–whether it be at a BBQ, dining out, or eating at home–take into consideration whether you truly enjoy that food and how it will make you feel.Because if you’re eating that food this weekend simply because you don’t normally allow yourself to eat it…you may be putting that food on a pedestal and not even realize if it’s something you truly enjoy or not!So give this one a little deeper thought and let me know in the comments below, what are you most looking forward to enjoying eating this weekend and why?Disclaimer: If you purchase products through links posted on this site, I may earn money through affiliate partners, however, all opinions on products are genuine.