Lifelong Wellness Goals

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6 Beneficial Changes Once You Become an Intuitive Eater

Listing all of the wonderful things that have changed in my life and can most certainly change in yours for the better once you become an intuitive eater:

  1. Less or no stress to get “beach” or “summer body” ready before a vacation or summer starts
  2. Fully able to enjoy time with friends and family without the stress of feeling anxious and guilty about your food and drink choices
  3. Being kind to yourself and understanding that the size of your clothes is literally just a number and doesn’t define your worth
  4. Ability to enjoy all the foods you truly love without guilt around what the nutrition label says
  5. Honoring the benefits of both nutrition and moving your body, however, still choosing what you actually enjoy in both and not forcing yourself to be “perfect” in either category
  6. Truly wanting to move your body instead of dreading it because you’re choosing movement you enjoy and focusing more on getting stronger vs getting smaller 💪🏽

What’s one thing on this list you would love to gain or change about your life?