4 Steps for ANYONE to get Swimsuit Ready

How to get swimsuit body ready in just four steps so you can feel confident all summer long 🤩

Step 1: put your favorite swimsuit on, one you feel comfortable and confident in 👙🩱

The process of finding a swimsuit you like and that fits you comfortably can be tough mentally and can definitely take a toll on your relationship with your body imageBut, keep in mind that even if we all ate and drank the same thing every day, we would all still have different body typesSo just because a certain swimsuit doesn’t fit you, doesn’t mean there’s anything wrong with you or your body! It simply means that specific suit’s style/brand/color didn’t fit your needs! Remember, it’s the clothes job to fit you, not your job to fit into the clothes

Step 2: Apply sunscreen

Don’t forget your sunscreen to keep your skin protected from the sun! It’s such a simple way to take care of your body, so don’t skip this stepSharing this Cerave SPF 30 tinted sunscreen because it’s my go to for a great, non-greasy sunscreen for your face

Step 3: Don’t forget your favorite pair of sunglasses or a hat to keep the sun out of your eyes 🕶👒🧢

Step 4: Be kind to yourself! What you tell yourself is what you believe, so look in the mirror and tell yourself affirmations like:

I am beautiful and deserve to show my body off just as much as anyone else

I love my stretch marks because they remind that my body can do amazing things like create another human being

I am confident and strong, what someone else thinks of my body does not impact how I think and feel about my body

There you have it, four steps to get swimsuit body ready and feel confident in your skin all summer longAll bodies are swimsuit bodies, don’t forget it Disclaimer: If you purchase products through links posted on this site, I may earn commission through affiliate partners, however, all opinions on products are genuine. 


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